List of Properties

Hotel Kanazawa


Land use category
【Land use category】
【Current status】
Currently be opened
Land area
【Public record】
【Public record (tsubo)】
【Actual measurement】
【Actual measurement (tsubo)】
Public transport access
  • JR Kanazawa Station 1

Photo of the property


Property details

AreaKanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture
Address1-1 Horikawashinmachi, Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture
Property No.H-331
Yield rate -
RoadSouth 16m, Southeast 7m, North 4m
City planning- related limitations
ZoningCommercial zone
Height60m height cotrol districts
Building- to-land ratio80%
Disaster prevention designationfire prevention
Floor area ratio600%
Other -
Shadow- casting -
Property structure
Structuresteel‐frame construction, sixteen-stories above ground level, two-stories above ground level
Total building area20645.49㎡(6045.26tsubo)
Transfer conditions
SituationTo be transferred in current state
Appointed date -
Built yearNovember 2008

Floor plan

Under Construction

Special remarks

Certificate of inspection -
Parking spaces110
  • 【Offices】 -
  • 【Dwellings】 -
  • 【guest room】165
Estimated annual revenue at full occupation rate - Gross rate of return -
Current annual revenue - Gross rate of return -
Annual expenses - Net operating income ratio -
Unit value including building - Occupancy rate -
Land value assessment - 1㎡ -
Fixed asset tax and city planning tax
Land -
Building -
Assessed value
Land -
Building -
RemarksCertified inspection guarantee, Wedding capel, talk buisiness through lawyers
