List of Properties

Toshima Ward East-Ikebukuro


Land use category
【Land use category】
residential quarter
【Current status】
residential qyarter
Land area
【Public record】
【Public record (tsubo)】
【Actual measurement】
【Actual measurement (tsubo)】
Public transport access
  • Yamanote line Ikebukuro 5

Photo of the property

Apartment buildings

Property details

CategoryApartment buildings
Area -
Address,EastIkebukuro ,Toshima ward.
Property No.0000100011
Yield rate4%
City planning- related limitations
Zoningcommercial area
Height -
Building- to-land ratio80%%
Disaster prevention designation -
Floor area ratio700%%
Other -
Shadow- casting -
Property structure
Total building area1930.52㎡(583.98tsubo)
Transfer conditions
Situation -
Appointed date -
Built yearSeptember,2003 new construction

Floor plan

Under Construction

Special remarks

Certificate of inspection -
Parking spaces -
  • 【Offices】 -
  • 【Dwellings】 -
  • 【guest room】 -
Estimated annual revenue at full occupation rate - Gross rate of return -
Current annual revenue - Gross rate of return -
Annual expenses - Net operating income ratio -
Unit value including building - Occupancy rate -
Land value assessment - 1㎡ -
Fixed asset tax and city planning tax
Land -
Building -
Assessed value
Land -
Building -
Remarks -
